
Saturday 23 May 2015

What is liver

What is liver

The liver is an important organ. It's just under your web cage on the right side.It's weight is about three pounds.It is made up of two separate sections called ''lobes'' the right lobe and the the left lobe. by looking at it under microscope you can see that liver is actually  made up of  billions of '' liver cells ''.

Structure of Liver

Two major blood vessels are the hepatic artery and portal vein continuously bring blood to the liver cells. This blood is important because of  perform many important functions in the human body.


1st it's the body's chemical factory making things like bile that help in digesting your food
Filtering waste and poisons
it stores energy and nutrient ( vitamins , irons and reserve energy)
Storing fuel for your  body.
It cleans your blood.
1st the liver cells filter waste  bacteria and poisons out of your blood and change these toxic substance  into serum.the liver also helps to change certain medicines to change in the form that your body can use.
processing nutrients is another important function of our liver. most of the food that we eat is eventually process through  your liver before your body use it. after u eat your food is broken down into small particles called proteins , fats  and carbohydrates. your blood carry these building blocks to the liver where there are use to make and store many of the nutrients  your body needs.
For example  proteins are broken down into smaller amino acid which the live then combine into new proteins. there are many kinds of proteins each with a specific size , shape and purpose.proteins are important for many popularly  functions . such as clotting of your blood when u get cut. your liver also makes cholesterol and storage fuel for  your body such as vitamins , carbohydrate and minerals. on regular  basis your liver synthesis proteins , fats , cholesterol and  vitamins into your blood stream to be use for use in energy and building healthy tissues. finally your liver also makes bile which is fluid that dissolves fat. this takes place in small intestine. fats can be absorbed into the blood stream. in order for bile to get in small intestine the liver cell can act as small tubes called ducts. the eventually come to gather to form a large passage way. this passage called the bile duct. the bile from the . this passage hold the bile duct from the bile duct to the gallbladder which is the holding area for the bile. the bile is then  eventually deliver into small intestine. because the liver does so many things for your body u can never live without it.

What can u do for good liver health?

Whether you are taking medication or not there are things you can do that  can help to keep your liver healthy.
These include

  • eating healthy diet.
  • get an enough sleep
  • avoid thing that harm your liver like alcohol , drugs and herbal medicines.
  • see your doctor at least every  six to twelve months is also part of taking care of urself. only few your doctor can tell u if u r at risk for liver damage.

Saturday 16 May 2015

Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B

Hepatitis b is a silent killer and it kills millions of people around the world.Hepatitis B is the most common serious liver infection. It is caused by the hepatitis b virus that attacks the liver.The virus is transmitted through blood and infected bodily fluids. HBV causes the liver to swell and prevents it from working well.. It is a serious infection.. About 400 millions people worldwide for chronic hepatitis B. It’s spread through blood, semen and other body fluids via sexual contact, sharing of needles, accidental needle sticks, and from mother to baby during childbirth.An adult usually fights off the virus but if the body cannot fight it, chronic hepatitis b develops. chronic hepatitis b can lead to cirrhosis or liver cancer, which can stop the liver from working properly. a person will die if his or her liver does not not function.
Hepatitis b is not transmitted casually. it cannot be spread through sneezing , coughing , hugging or eating food prepared by someone who is infected.
this patient education program  explains what hepatitis b is. it discusses its causes , symptoms , diagnosis , treatment and prevention.
It has two types

Acute Type Hepatitis

Hepatitis B is created by a virus. Many adults who have hepatitis B can recover from it. Recovery usually occurs within 6 months and without medication.This is known as an acute infection. 

Chronic Type Hepatitis

Some people have the infection for a longer period of time. This is known as a chronic infection. It can last an entire lifetime and lead to liver scarring, liver failure and liver cancer. If you get the virus as a child, you usually develop a chronic infection. 
Click here for more
What is Liver
Hepatitis B Causes
Hepatitis B Signs
Hepatitis B Tests
Hepatitis B Treatment
Natural Cures of Hepatitis B
How to stop Hepatitis B

Monday 11 May 2015

How to remove Hepatitis B from the world?

Things that can stop hepatitis B
There are several things to help stop the silent killer.

  • You can start learning about more the disease and prevent the spread of the virus.
  • In fact you can join the fight against hepatitis B by becoming hep B warrior. The takes now special skills. Your task is just to create awareness among the people and the people then will be cause of creating awareness to the next people and the more people will take action.

  • The people with chronic hep b can live happy , healthy and  long  life, if see their doctor regularly.


Thursday 7 May 2015

Hepatitis B tests

What test will the doctor perform?

One test your doctor may perform measure the amount of the virus in your blood also known as viral load. this test is called the HBV DNA test.another test commonly refer to as ALT  looks for active liver inflammation. and finally your doctor may take the samples of your liver tissue through liver biopsy. his test helps to determine if there is  current liver damage in your liver damage or inflammation.

When may treatment be necessary?

 Using the information from these tests your doctor will decide what treatment is right for you. your doctor may determine that  medication is needed if u have a high viral load.

  • if liver shows signs of liver damage
  • if you are at risk for liver damage.
  • if you don't feel seek , its important to get treated if your doctor recommends it.
  • the earlier you treat the disease the more likely you will stay longer.

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Hepatitis B tests

Get tested.Seeing doctor is important.When your test positive for the hepatitis B virus your doctor will likely order more tests to check the health of your liver.It is important to see your doctor often to watch for any problems with your liver to determine if treatment is necessary and to see how well your treatment is working. Your doctor may use of wired of test to check your liver and and moniter  the virus in your body.

Monday 4 May 2015

Hepatitis B treatment

Is There a Cure for Hepatitis B?

No. But again, it often goes away in a few months, and it occasionally disappears in people who have a chronic case of the disease.

What are the types of treatment available for hep B?

While there is no treatment (cure) for chronic hepatitis B. There are two treatments for help.
Antiviral drugs
There are several types of drugs available to help from growing or reproducing in Your body.
Interferon helps strengthened your body only fences against the virus.

Hepatitis B Acute Type treatment

People with acute hepatitis B do not require treatment.Patients should  getting bed rest, drinking lots of fluids and taking over-the-counter pain relievers (products containing ibuprofen, such as Motrin and Advil, are considered to be safer than products containing acetaminophen, such as Tylenol, in people with acute hepatitis) are usually all that is needed for someone who is experiencing acute hepatitis B symptoms.
Click Here for more

What test will the doctor perform?

One test your doctor may perform measure the amount of the virus in your blood also known as viral load. this test is called the HBV DNA test.another test commonly refer to as ALT  looks for active liver inflammation. and finally your doctor may take the samples of your liver tissue through liver biopsy. his test helps to determine if there is  current liver damage in your liver damage or inflammation.

When may treatment be necessary?

 Using the information from these tests your doctor will decide what treatment is right for you. your doctor may determine that  medication is needed if YOu have a high viral load.

  • if liver shows signs of liver damage
  • if you are at risk for liver damage.
  • if you don't feel seek , its important to get treated if your doctor recommends it.
  • the earlier you treat the disease the more likely you will stay longer.
  • helping stop hep B
  • join fight

Sunday 3 May 2015

Natural Cures to hepatitis B

Natural Cures to hepatitis B

If the patient of Hepatitis B who is allergic to certain medication or have not  taken vaccination then there are some natural cures for Hepatitis B people.These cures are traditional medicine introduced in China. The natural cures of Hepatitis B is chiefly include herbal concoctions. However, natural cures may take time, almost a year, before showing any result.

Drink Water For HBV

To drink  a plenty of water is necessary  in order to remain the the body hydrated.There is no alternative to water  for curing hepatitis B.
Drink water in hepatitis B

Eat healthy Food 

There is no special diet for people with chronic hepatitis B. It is best to eat a healthy , well balanced diet that is low in fat and includes plenty of vegetables. You should avoid eating raw fish since they can contain bacteria that are harmful to your liver..
Healthy food for hepatitis patient
Healthy Food 

Green tea for Hepatitis B

A hepatitis B patient must drink large quantities of green tea which is a rich source of antioxidants. The antioxidants work in a way to enable the proper functioning of the liver through balanced secretion of juices.Green tea and its major antioxidant component epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) reduce the levels of HBV DNA and hepatitis B antigens in isolated liver cells by inhibiting the replication of HBV DNA (Xu 2008; He 2011). A study of 204 HCC cases in Chinese individuals with HBV infection revealed that green tea consumption reduced the risk of cancer progression by nearly half (Li 2011). But a Japanese study of 110 cases of HCC could not determine any effect of green tea consumption on cancer risk.

    Green tea for hepatitis patient
    Green tea for hepatitis patient

    Black seed oil for hepatitis B 

     The consumption of this oil aids digestion and metabolism rate. The oil spreads warmth in the blood to help improve liver functioning and strength.        
    Black seed oil

    Liquorice for Hepatitis B

    This is a type of herb that releases the antigen glycyrrhizin which has proven effective against chronic hepatitis B. The antigen increases the production of bile juice in the liver which in turn helps to lower levels of cholesterol in the blood.According to various scientific researches, licorice has emerged out to be an effective natural remedy for curing Hepatitis B. It has great anti viral properties and so it is highly effectual in curing symptoms of Hepatitis B.


    Olive leaf for hepatitis B

    The extract from olive leaf can fight against not only hepatitis B, but also many other forms of viruses that disrupt the normal working of the human body. The antioxidants released in the blood upon olive leaf extract
    consumption act as antiseptic to kill the virus.
      Olive leaf
      Olive leaf

     Milk Thistle

    Milk thistle is now being considered as a liver tonic. The seeds of milk thistle contain an element known as silymarin. This silymarin aids in strengthening the outer layers of the liver cells, thus, protecting the liver from all kinds of infections.

    Saturday 2 May 2015

    Hepatitis B causes

    • Contact with your blood or an open sore
    • Sharing needles or syringes
    • Unprotected sex
    • Body piercings and tattoos
    • Toiletries
    • By Organ transplants
    • Come in contact with infected blood or body fluids of friends or family members
    • Use needles to take recreational drugs
    • Have sex with more than one person
    • Are a health care worker
    • Work in a day care center, school, or jail

    Friday 1 May 2015

    Symptoms and Signs of Hepatitis B

    Most people do not experience any symptoms during the acute infection phase. However, some people have acute illness with symptoms that last several weeks, including
    Being sick
    Abdominal discomfort
    Dark urine
    Yellow skin and eyes (jaundice).
    Feeling tired.
    Muscle soreness.
    Loss of appetite.
    Light colored stools.
    Flu-like symptoms, such as tiredness, general aches and pains, and headaches.
    However, many people don't realize they have been infected with the virus because the symptoms may not develop immediately, or even at all.
    It takes between 40 and 160 days for any symptoms to develop after exposure to the virus.